Watershed Group Capacity-Building Technical Assistance:
Request for Applications
Project Summary: Watershed groups working in the Hudson River estuary watershed are invited to apply for capacity-building technical assistance, offered by the Hudson River Watershed Alliance in partnership with the NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program and NEIWPCC.
We will select four watershed groups to work one-on-one with a facilitator from February-July 2025 to review elements of organizational development, plan for priority actions over the next 1-2 years by developing a strategic workplan, and, with support from Hudson River Watershed Alliance staff, implement one priority organizational development action. Our goal is that through this work, participating groups will be better equipped to achieve their local goals and improve organizational sustainability.
This opportunity is best suited for active watershed groups that are regularly meeting with a defined group of members or stakeholders. Applicants will be asked to identify a team of 5-6 people from their watershed group that are committed to participating in the strategic workplan facilitation process. Each individual participating in this process should expect to commit a total of at least 6-8 hours to meetings and 3-5 hours to work outside of meetings in the period from February-July 2025. This time would be separate from and in addition to participating in regular watershed group meetings.
This is an application for technical assistance from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance. No funding or match is required from participants. Participants will commit their time to support the process.
For more information: See the Request for Applications.
Application Deadline: Complete the Google Form application by close of business on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
Eligibility: This opportunity is for watershed groups working within the Hudson River estuary watershed. The Hudson River Estuary Program’s Boundary is shown in this PDF map, web map, and on the interactive Hudson Valley Natural Resource Mapper.
For the purposes of this project, a watershed group is defined as a collective of people that are working together locally to protect a specific watershed. Watershed groups in any organizational form are eligible, including those that are structured as nonprofits, ad hoc community groups, intermunicipal councils, or working with fiscal sponsors. To be eligible, the watershed group must identify the team of 5-6 people who will be participating in this process.
Application Materials:
Request for Applications
Application Form
Application Questions in Word | in PDF
Scoring Sheet
We held an informational webinar on Thursday, January 9 from 1-2 pm to present the program and answer questions. The webinar recording and a PDF copy of the slides are available.
This program is supported by funding from the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.