The Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network connects local governments who are committed to taking actionable steps to manage current and future flood risk.
We do this through:
- Convening communities for peer learning on projects and strategies
- Coordinating local and regional efforts
- Sharing opportunities for funding and training
- Facilitating communication between local governments and regional partners
- Communicating on challenges and barriers as a unified voice
- Catalyzing flood adaptation actions
The Hudson River Watershed Alliance is a co-facilitator of the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network, along with our partners at New York Sea Grant and the Consensus Building Institute. FRN regularly hosts virtual lunch & learn webinars, in-person meetings, and waterfront site visits to see flood resilience plans and projects first-hand.
In 2023, we published a Strategic Roadmap to guide the work of FRN and define roles for members and partners. For more details on FRN’s history, structure, priorities, and opportunities to get involved, download the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network Strategic Roadmap.
Municipalities throughout the Hudson River estuary watershed are eligible to join FRN as Members, and regional partners actively working on flood resilience can join as Partners. For more details, check out the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network website.
The Flood Resilience Network Newsletter includes updates on FRN programing, collaborations, and details on member municipalities new and completed resiliency projects.

The Hudson River Flood Resilience Network is supported in part by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund administered through the Hudson River Estuary Program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, in cooperation with the New York State Water Resources Institute at Cornell University.
Community Resilience Building Workshops
The Hudson River Watershed Alliance, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, has facilitated Community Resilience Building Workshops for municipalities. The Community Resilience Building workshop is a one-day, community-driven and participatory workshop focused on improving local adaptation to flooding and other climate change impacts. The workshop brings together municipal leaders, municipal staff, and other key stakeholders for a facilitated discussed to identify strengths, vulnerabilities, and opportunities to improve climate resilience. To foster work across municipal boundaries, we convene multiple communities at a time that share waterbodies and resources.
Goals of the workshop are to:
- Identify projected climate change impacts in the communities,
- Identify infrastructure, social and environmental assets that are vulnerable to flooding and other climate impacts;
- Develop collective strategies to help improve resilience; and
- Prioritize those strategies.
Information from the workshop is summarized in a report. See below for a few examples.
Lower Wappinger Creek Watershed: Community Resilience Building Workshop Summary of Findings (Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Town of Poughkeepsie, Town of LaGrange, Town of Pleasant Valley) – August 2019