Hudson Estuary Watershed Resiliency Project

The Hudson Estuary Watershed Resiliency Project – a collaboration between our partners at Cornell Cooperative Extension, NYS DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program, and Cornell University’s Water Resources Institute – has created a Municipal Flood Resilience Resource List. This list provides a short compilation of excellent resources for municipalities and organizations to provide to their constituents to use to help prevent, prepare for, and deal with flooding issues. It breaks down these resources by audience, including information pertinent to landowners and residents, highway and department of public works personnel, and municipal officials themselves. The hope is that this resource list will prove useful for a number of different audiences and will be a valuable tool for any municipality or organization to use in this era of increased flooding and heavy precipitation events.
Flood Resilience Resource List (PDF, 344 KB)
For more information on flood resilience and safety, a regularly updated list of events pertinent to Hudson Valley communities, videos from a number of trainings and seminars, and much more, please visit the Hudson Estuary Watershed Resiliency Project website.